
Mistaken Identity – Yet Again!
May 2015

You may recall that I have been mistaken for Chuck Norrismore than once.

And more recently, for Ali Baba, although in a region where he is probably better known than elsewhere.

However, I was taken aback when the cashier at Santini's Deli in McLean told me I looked like Donald Sutherland! Donald Sutherland – I couldn't believe it! And how would such a young woman even know who he was?

Later I realized that my recollections were from many years ago, when we were avid moviegoers.

For example, in the movie version of M.A.S.H., (1970)

and in Klute (1971)

but I hadn't seen any of his recent films.

So when the Capital Grille manager told me the same thing, although that he was older, I asked him where he had seen him. He said "The Italian Job."

When I tracked down a photo I had to admit, another dead ringer!
Although, as he said, older.

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